thursday december 8

When I arrived at Rotary today everybody said happy birthday to me. How did they know? I haven't told anyone. After a while I saw the HUGE birthday cake for me. "happy birthday Freja". :) Thanks! Still donät know who kept track of my birthday. It could be my hostmother Sabrina who's in contact with the catering woman from time to time, but I'm not sure.

Today's been a day of packing packing packing and thinking - and laundry.
I need to vacate the dorms tomorrow night, and won't come back until school starts again January 10th. I am going to need some clothes for warm weather in Florida and on the Bahamas cruise, and some really warm clothes for the freezing New York City over the New Years week. I'm excited! Will bring a crazy ass sized suit case for tomorrow night's gathering with the Crawfords, when we're going out to pre-celebrate my birthday, which is on friday.
I'm getting younger and younger. 23 this time. Feels great. I just realized it's my birthday a day ago, and now I can't stop thinking about it. I don't have any expectations like I did when I was younger. I will be simply very happy about being able to finally say I'm 23 and not 22. (Got used to saying 23 months ago, and thou shalt not lie, so it's a time of truth that awaits).

Today I mailed 15 christmas cards! (bought a bargain of 15 christmas cards on walmart). Christmas is gettign closer. I am going to a ballet teh 23rd with Matilda, and I'm hoping that will give me even more christmasspirit than now. It is cold here alright, but it doesn't feel quite as christmassy as in wintersweden. And I'm missing Lucia..

My nextdoor roommate is probably transferring from this school to somewhere else.
This will mean I might get a new roommate, or I will not, but will then have the bathroom on my own.

[f] tomorrow: breakfast in early hours with my American siblings :D


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